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Mario Garrido Espinosa.

Novelas Contemporáneas: The synergies of Marcio

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This is no vengeance, only a series of fairy tales, like the one about Little Red Riding Hood;

It may be the case that some of the stories present true facts.

Using great amounts of humour, tenderness and realism, "The synergies of Marcio" manages to form a demystifying portrait, as well as demolishing, of the life of an IT engineer in Spain. Taking as protagonist a professional named Marcio (which is a rare name and, thus, any resemblance to reality will be coincidence), the author presents a hidden and closed world that we all believed to be very different: the projects management, the treatment of subordinates, the rewards, the relationship between engineers, the coexistence in the office, the work travel, the endless availability... All aspects of this type of occupation will be unravelling, not to mention the surprising personal life of the protagonist. Dive into the seven stories of Marcio, discover this close and intimate character and live his adventures narrated with the style, irony and cruelty of a tale.

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